Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Explorers Unit Road Map--713Z Artifact #1

This artifact is the road map for my 5th grade Social Studies Unit on Explorers. These pages are designed for students to use to guide them through this unit. For the last three years, I've taught 5th Grade Social Studies to groups of ELL students. Keeping them engaged during these units can be a challenge, and I think that the technology I've added in will increase their interest level. As I'm teaching, I always have to keep in mind the ELL WIDA standards as well as the Social Studies curriculum I'm teaching.

I included this artifact because I'm rather pleased with the way it turned out, visually. I think it will appeal to the students and serve as instructions throughout the unit. The rubric is specific and makes it easy for me to grade and easy for students to use as they look at their own work. I like the way the students have to justify their choice of explorer with reasons. Commenting on the posts of other students will allow for interaction, and hopefully some respectful debates will occur. Google Classroom has some limits, but the students do enjoy using it. The directions on how to use Google Classroom should give a review in case students aren't sure of how to get on, make posts, and comment.

One major challenge I had with this project was that Google Classroom won't let me add a "dummy account" so that I can see what my students see. My original intention was to do a screencastify to show how to use Google Classroom, but I couldn't get around my district's safety requirements. I ended up doing screenshots to show the relevant parts, and writing out directions instead. If I had do this project again, I think I'd add in more video links onto my Google Classroom site, so that students had more resources. I will have to do that this year before I teach the unit this November.

P.S. Please use this link to see my artifacts from previous courses.

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